Compendium of Wondrous Links vol VII

Here we go again… This time I’m loosely grouping them, it has been a while and there are so many things! The best programming advice I ever got, which actually is about the worst advice, being reverted. The social dynamics of code review. While code review is very useful, is also important to put the stress on the proper parts. As feedback in general, it needs to be constructive and tactful. The Future of Programming. This is an incredible way of giving a presentation, and the best of all, the form adds a lot to… Read More

80 chars per line is great

Probably the most controversial part of PEP 8 is the limit of 80 characters per line. Well, is actually 79 chars, but I’ll use 80 chars because is a round number and the way everybody referes to it. There are a lot of companies where the standard seems to be “PEP8, except for the 80 chars line restriction”. On GitHub projects, which in general follow PEP8 (it seems to be a very strong consensus), that’s typically not found. In explicit code guidelines, the restriction could be increased (100, 120) or even removed… Read More