Compendium of Wondrous Links vol VIII

More great reads! About code creation It seemed like a good idea at the time. How tech decisions done at some point in time can have a big impact much much later. Unfortunately, this is unavoidable, developing software is based in dealing with imperfect information all the time. Fear Driven Development. Dealing with different languages is difficult in programs (and otherwise). Seven Laws of Sane Personal Computing. Great compilation of Python libraries that deserve to be widely used. Debug like Sherlock Holmes. One of my favourite ways of thinking on debug is: “Once you eliminate the… Read More

GitHub for reviewing code

A couple of weeks ago we started (in my current job) to use GitHub internally for our projects. We were already using git, so it sort of make sense to use GitHub, as it is very widespread and used in the community. I had used GitHub before, but only as a remote repository and to get code, but without much interaction with the “GitHub extra features”. I must say, I was excited about using it, as I though that it will be a good step forward in making the code more visible… Read More